


Bug #2855 » silverpeas-pdc-widgets.js

Miguel Moquillon, 26/01/2012 17:58

* Copyright (C) 2000 - 2011 Silverpeas
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of
* the GPL, you may redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre
* Open Source Software ("FLOSS") applications as described in Silverpeas's
* FLOSS exception. You should have recieved a copy of the text describing
* the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here:
* ""
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public Liceanse for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.

* Provides both some functions and widget to work with the PdC in order to edit the classifications
* on the PdC of resources.
* Provides as functions:
* - a function to load the different axis of the PdC,
* - a function to load the classification on the PdC of a given resource.
* Provides as widgets ready to be used:
* - a widget to render some positions on the PdC,
* - a widget to render a preview of some positions on the PdC,
* - a widget to render the different axis of the PdC in order to create a new
* position or to update an existing position on the PdC,
* Each widget accepts a function for each action it supports. Theses functions will be invoked at
* action triggering.

* Build the URI identifying the classification on the PdC of the specified resource.
* The resource is an object of type:
* {
* context: the name of Silverpeas web application context,
* component: the unique identifier of the component instance into which contents are published,
* content: the unique identifier of the classified content.
* }
function uriOfPdCClassification( resource ) {
var uri = resource.context + '/services/pdc/' + resource.component + '/';
if (resource.content != null && resource.content.length > 0) {
uri += resource.content;
} else {
uri += 'new';
return uri;


* Build the URI identifying the PdC parameterized for the specified resource.
* The resource is an object of type:{
* context: the name of Silverpeas web application context,
* component: the unique identifier of the component instance for which the PdC has been eventually
* parametrized,
* content: the unique identifier of the content to classify or null. If this parameter is set,
* the axis are then parameterized according to the existing classification of the content (if any).
* }
function uriOfPdC( resource ) {
var uri = resource.context + '/services/pdc/' + resource.component;
if (resource.content != null && resource.content.length > 0) {
uri += '?contentId=' + resource.content;
return uri;


* Build the URI identifying the predefined classification on the PdC for the specified resource.
* The resource is an object of type:
* {
* context: the name of Silverpeas web application context,
* component: the unique identifier of the component instance for which a predefined classification
* has been be set,
* node: the unique identifier of the node for which a predefined classification has been set or
* null. If null, the predefined classification for the component instance is fetched.
* }
function uriOfPredefinedClassification( resource ) {
var uri = resource.context + '/services/pdc/' + resource.component + '/classification';
if (resource.node != null && resource.node.length > 0) {
uri += '?nodeId=' + resource.node;
return uri;


* Loads the PdC parameterized for the resource located at the specified URI.
* If the PdC is correctly get, the function onSuccess is then performed, otherwise the function
* onError is invoked.
* Both of the functions should accept as parameter the loaded PdC. The onError callback function
* accepts as additional parameter the error coming from the server. The error is an object of type:
* {
* status: the error status,
* message: the error message
* }
* The PdC is an object of type:
* {
* uri: the URI of the PdC configured for the resource,
* axis: [ the different PdC axis used by the component instance to classify its contents ]
* }
* Each axis of the PdC is an object of type:
* {
* id: the identifier of the axis,
* name: the localized name of the axis,
* originValue: the value used as the origin of the axis,
* mandatory: if this axis must be taken into account in a resource classification,
* invariant: if the axis is an invariant one (meaning that a classification with this axis can
* have only one value, whatever the positions),
* invariantValue: if the axis is invariant, the identifier of the invariant value used. If null,
* then the invariant value isn't already set in the classification of the given
* resource,
* values: [ the values of this axis ]
* }
* Each axis's value is an object of type:
* {
* id: the unique identifier of the value in the form of an absolute path of node identifier in
* the sementic tree representing the axis,
* treeId: the unique identifier of the sementic tree to which the value belongs (an empty value
* means the value is a single one (no hierarchic value representation),
* axisId: the unique identifier of the axis to which the value belongs,
* term: the localized name of the value,
* level: the level of this value in the hierarchic sementic tree from the axis root,
* ascendant: is the value an ascendant one from the axis origin that was configured for the
* component instance,
* origin: is this value the configured (or the default one) axis origin,
* synonyms: [ the synonyms of the value term as strings ]
* }
function loadPdC( uri, onSuccess, onError ) {
url: uri,
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
success: function(pdc) {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
uri: uri,
axis: []
}, {
status: jqXHR.status,
message: errorThrown

* Loads the classification on the PdC of the resource located by the specified URL.
* If the classification is correctly get, the function onSuccess is then performed, otherwise the
* function onError is invoked.
* Both of the functions should accept as parameter the loaded PdC. The onError callback function
* accepts as additional parameter the error coming from the server. The error is an object of type:
* {
* status: the error status,
* message: the error message
* }
* The classification is an object of type:
* {
* uri: the URI of the classification in the Web,
* modifiable: a property indicating if this classification can be edited,
* positions: [ the positions on the PdC ]
* }
* Each position on the PdC in a classification is an object of type:
* {
* uri: the URI of the position on the PdC in the Web,
* id: the position unique identifier,
* values: [ the position's values on some of the PdC's axis ]
* }
* Each value on a PdC's axis is an object of type:
* {
* id: the unique identifier of the value in the form of an absolute path of node identifier in
* the sementic tree representing the axis,
* treeId: the unique identifier of the sementic tree to which the value belongs (an empty value
* means the value is a single one (no hierarchic value representation),
* axisId: the unique identifier of the axis to which the value belongs,
* meaning: the meaning vehiculed by the value. It is either a path of terms in a hierarchic
* sementic tree or a single term (for a single value),
* synonyms: [ the synonyms of the value term as strings ]
* }
function loadClassification( uri, onSuccess, onError ) {
url: uri,
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'json',
cache: false,
success: function(classification) {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
uri: uri,
positions: []
}, {
status: jqXHR.status,
message: errorThrown


* Asks fo the deletion of the specified position to the classification on the PdC identified by the
* specified URI.
* If the position is successfully deleted, then the onSuccess callback function is invoked without
* any parameters. Otherwise, the optional onError callback function
* is invoked with as parameters the error coming from the server. If no onError callback
* is passed then an error message is displayed to the user. The rror is an object of type:
* {
* status: the error status,
* message: the error message
* }
* If a confirmation message is passed as parameter, a confirmation asking box will be displayed to
* the user and the position will be effectively deleted once the action confirmed.
* If no confirmation message is passed as parameter (if null or empty), then the position will be
* silently deleted.
function deletePosition( uri, position, confirmationMsg, onSuccess, onError ) {
var confirmed = true;
if (confirmationMsg != null && confirmationMsg.length > 0)
confirmed = window.confirm( confirmationMsg );
if (confirmed) {
var uri_parts = uri.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9:=\/.]+/gi);
var uri_position = uri_parts[0] + '/' + + '?' + uri_parts[1];
url: uri_position,
type: "DELETE",
success: function() {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (onError == null)
status: jqXHR.status,
message: errorThrown


* Posts the specified position in the classification on the PdC identified by the specified URI.
* If the position is successfully posted, then the onSuccess callback function is invoked with as
* parameter the updated classification on the PdC. Otherwise, the optional onError callback function
* is invoked with as parameter the error coming from the server. If no onError callback
* is passed then an error message is displayed to the user. The error is an object of type:
* {
* status: the error status,
* message: the error message
* }
function postPosition( uri, position, onSuccess, onError ) {
url: uri,
type: 'POST',
data: $.toJSON(position),
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: "json",
cache: false,
success: function(classification) {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (onError == null)
status: jqXHR.status,
message: errorThrown


* Asks for updating the specified position in the classification on the PdC identified by the specified URI.
* If the position is successfully updated, then the onSuccess callback function is invoked with as
* parameter the updated classification on the PdC. Otherwise, the optional onError callback function
* is invoked with as parameter the error coming from the server. If no onError callback
* is passed then an error message is displayed to the user. The error is an object of type:
* {
* status: the error status,
* message: the error message
* }
function updatePosition( uri, position, onSuccess, onError ) {
var uri_parts = uri.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9:=\/.]+/gi);
var uri_position = uri_parts[0] + '/' + + '?' + uri_parts[1];
url: uri_position,
type: 'PUT',
data: $.toJSON(position),
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: "json",
cache: false,
success: function(classification) {
error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (onError == null)
status: jqXHR.status,
message: errorThrown


* Finds in the specifieds array of positions a position having the specified values on the axis of
* the PdC.
* If no such position exists in the array, then returns null. Otherwise is returned an object of
* type:
* {
* index: the index of the position found in the array of positions,
* position: the found position
* }
function findPosition( withValues, inSomePositions ) {
var position = null;
for (var p = 0; p < inSomePositions.length; p++) {
if (inSomePositions[p].values.length == withValues.length) {
position = {
index: p,
position: inSomePositions[p]
for (var v = 0; v < withValues.length; v++) {
if (withValues[v].id != inSomePositions[p].values[v].id) {
position = null;
if (position != null)
return position;


* Sorts the specified values according to the identifier of the axis they belong to.
* The array of values passed as parameter isn't modified; the sorted array is returned.
* Each value is of type:
* {
* axisId: the identifier of the axis it belongs to,
* ... whatever the other properties
* }
function sortValues( values ) {
// the chosen algorithm is the insertion sort, as quick as a quick sort with an array with less
// than 15 elements but more stable than the quick sort
for (var i = 1; i < values.length; i++) {
var pivot = values[i], j = i;
while (j > 0 && values[j-1].axisId > pivot.axisId) {
values[j] = values[j - 1]
values[j] = pivot;


* Is the specified position already in the the specified classification?
* A position is in a classification if it already exists a position with exactly the same values.
function isAlreadyInClassification( position, classification ) {
return findPosition(position.values, classification.positions) != null;


* Are the specified positions already in the the specified classification?
* If all the specified positions are in the specified classification, true is returned. If at least
* one of the specified positions isn't in the specified classification, false is returned.
* A position is in a classification if it already exists a position with exactly the same values.
function areAlreadyInClassification( somePositions, classification ) {
var exist = true;
for(var i = 0; i < somePositions.length; i++) {
exist = isAlreadyInClassification(somePositions[i], classification);
if (!exist)
return exist;


* Are the specified positions not already in the the specified classification?
* If all the specified positions are not in the specified classification, true is returned. If at least
* one of the specified positions is present in the specified classification, false is returned.
* A position is in a classification if it already exists a position with exactly the same values.
function areNotAlreadyInClassification( somePositions, classification ) {
var exist = false;
for(var i = 0; i < somePositions.length; i++) {
exist = isAlreadyInClassification(somePositions[i], classification);
if (exist)
return !exist;


* Removes the specified position from the specified array of positions.
function removePosition( position, positions ) {
for(var i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) {
if (positions[i].id == {
positions.splice(i, 1);


* The widget to render the positions on the PdC of a resource.
* According to the settings, the positions can be edited (deleted or updated) and a button to
* invoke the adding of a new positions can be rendered.
(function( $ ){
var methods = {
* The default method when invoking the plugin on an HTML element.
init: function( options ) {
var settings = $.extend(true, {
id : "list_pdc_position", /* the HTML element identifier to use for the top element of the widget */
title : "Positions", /* the title to display with the widget */
label : "Position", /* the label to display with a position index */
positions : [], /* the positions to render */
update : {
activated: true, /* is the update of a position activated? */
title : 'Editer la position', /* text to render with the update button */
icon : webContext + '/util/icons/update.gif' /* icon representing the position update */
addition : {
activated: true, /* is the addition of a new position activated? */
title : 'Ajouter une nouvelle position', /* text to render with the addition button */
icon : webContext + '/pdcPeas/jsp/icons/add.gif' /* the icon representing the position addition */
deletion: {
activated: true, /* is the deletion of a position activated? */
icon : webContext + '/util/icons/delete.gif', /* text to render with the deletion button */
title : 'Supprimer la position' /* the icon representing the position deletion */
onAddition : function() {}, /* the function to invoke when the adding of a new position is asked.
This function can the use the widget to select some values from the PdC's axis in order to create a new position */
onDeletion : function(position) {}, /* the function to invoke when a position is deleted */
onUpdate : function(position) {} /* the function to invoke when a position is updated */
}, options);
return this.each(function() {
var $thisPdcPositions = $(this);
$'PdcPositionSettings', settings);
renderPositionsFrame($thisPdcPositions, settings);
* This method is used to refresh the positions listed by this plugin. Some additional parameters
* can be passed as an optional parameter in order to perform some refinements during the refresh.
* The optional parameter is an object of type:
* {
* title: true|false, // the new title to display with the widget
* update: true|false, // is the update of a position activated?
* addition: true|false, is the addition of a position activated?
* deletion: true|false is the deletion of a position activated?
* }
refresh: function( positions, optionalParameter ) {
return this.each(function() {
var $thisPdcPositions = $(this), settings = $'PdcPositionSettings');
settings.positions = positions;
if (optionalParameter != null) {
if (optionalParameter.title != null && optionalParameter.title.length > 0)
$('label[for="' + + '_allpositions"]').html(optionalParameter.title);
if(optionalParameter.update == true || optionalParameter.update == false)
settings.update.activated = optionalParameter.update;
if(optionalParameter.addition == true || optionalParameter.addition == false)
settings.addition.activated = optionalParameter.addition;
if(optionalParameter.deletion == true || optionalParameter.deletion == false)
settings.deletion.activated = optionalParameter.deletion;
$('#' + + '_allpositions').children().remove();
$.fn.pdcPositions = function( method ) {
if ( methods[method] ) {
return methods[method].apply( this, arguments, 1 ));
} else if ( typeof method === 'object' || ! method ) {
return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
} else {
$.error( 'Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.pdcPositions' );
function renderPositionsFrame( $thisPdcPositions, settings ) {
$('<div>', {
append($('<label>', {
'for': + '_allpositions'
append($('<div>', {
id: + '_allpositions'
function renderPositions( settings ) {
if (settings.positions.length > 0) {
$('label[for="' + + '_allpositions"]').show();
var positionsSection = $('<ul>').addClass('list_pdc_position').appendTo($("#" + + '_allpositions'));
$.each(settings.positions, function(posindex, aPosition) {
var values = [], currentPositionSection = $('<li>').appendTo(positionsSection),
positionLabel = $('<span>').addClass('pdc_position').
html(settings.label + ' ' + (posindex + 1)).appendTo(currentPositionSection);

for (var valindex = 0; valindex < aPosition.values.length; valindex++) {
var value = aPosition.values[valindex];
values.push('<li>' + value.meaning + '<i>' + value.synonyms.join(', ') + '</i></li>');

if (settings.update.activated) {
href: '#',
title: settings.update.title + ' ' + (posindex + 1)
append($('<img>', {
src: settings.update.icon,
alt: settings.update.title
}).click(function () {
if (settings.deletion.activated) {
positionLabel.append($('<a>', {
href: '#',
title: settings.deletion.title + ' ' + (posindex + 1)
append($('<img>', {
src: settings.deletion.icon,
alt: settings.deletion.title
}).click(function () {
} else {
$('label[for="' + + '_allpositions"]').hide();
if (settings.addition.activated) {
$('<a>', {
href: '#'
}).addClass('add_position').html(settings.addition.title).click(function() {
}).appendTo($("#" + + '_allpositions'))
})( jQuery );


* A Widget to render a preview of the positions on the PdC of a resource.
* This widget is a more simple one that the above as the positions cannot be edited and as
* the rendering is more simple.
(function( $ ){
$.fn.pdcPositionsPreview = function( options ) {
var settings = $.extend(true, {
id : "list_pdc_position", /* the HTML element identifier to use for the top element of the widget */
label : "Position", /* the title to display with the widget */
positions : [] /* the positions to render */
}, options);
return this.each(function() {
var $thisPdcPositionsPreview = $(this);
renderPositionsFrame($thisPdcPositionsPreview, settings);
function renderPositionsFrame( $thisPdcPositionsPreview, settings ) {
$('<div>', {
}).append($('<div>', {
id: + '_allpositions'
function renderPositions( settings ) {
if (settings.positions.length > 0) {
$('label[for="' + + '"]').show();
var positionsSection = $('<ul>').addClass('list_pdc_position').appendTo($("#" +;
for (var posindex = 0; posindex < settings.positions.length; posindex++) {
var aPosition = settings.positions[posindex], posId = posindex + 1, values = [];
var currentPositionSection = $('<li>').appendTo(positionsSection);
html(settings.label + ' ' + posId).appendTo(currentPositionSection);

for (var valindex = 0; valindex < aPosition.values.length; valindex++) {
var value = aPosition.values[valindex], text = '<li title="' + value.meaning + '">',
path = value.meaning.split('/');
if (path.length > 2)
text += path[0] + '/ ... /' + path[path.length -1];
else text += value.meaning;
text += '</li>';
} else {
$('label[for="' + + '"]').hide();
})( jQuery );


* A Widget to render the axis of the PdC in order to select some of their values to create or to
* update a position.
* If the multiValuation plugin parameter is set, then several values can be selected for one single
* axis. In this case, a position will be generated for each different selected value of the axis.
(function( $ ){
function aPositionValueFrom( anAxisValue ) {
return {
axisId: anAxisValue.axisId,
treeId: anAxisValue.treeId,
meaning: anAxisValue.meaning,
synonyms: anAxisValue.synonyms
function SelectedPositions( fromValues ) {
// the values at index 0 servs as the referencial position. Values at other indexes will be
// only for multiple values of a given single axis
this.matrix = [];
if (fromValues != null && fromValues.length > 0) {
this.matrix[0] = [];
for (var i = 0; i < fromValues.length; i++) {
this.matrix[0][fromValues[i].axisId] = fromValues[i];
this.put = function( positionIndex, axisId, value ) {
if (this.matrix[positionIndex] == null)
this.matrix[positionIndex] = [];
this.matrix[positionIndex][axisId] = value;
for (var i = 1; i < positionIndex; i++) {
if (this.matrix[i] == null)
this.matrix[i] = [];
this.remove = function( positionIndex, axisId ) {
this.matrix[positionIndex][axisId] = null;
this.clear = function() {
this.matrix = [];
} = function( positionIndex, axisId ) {
if (this.matrix[positionIndex] != null)
return this.matrix[positionIndex][axisId];
return null;
this.each = function( doWithPosition ) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.matrix.length; i++) {
var values = [];
for (var axisId in this.matrix[i]) {
if (i > 0) {
for (var axisId0 in this.matrix[0]) {
if (axisId0 != axisId && this.matrix[0][axisId0] != null) {
if (this.matrix[i][axisId] != null)
if (values.length > 0) {
values: values
this.size = function() {
return this.matrix.length;
function areMandatoryAxisValued( axis, positions ) {
for (var ipos = 0; ipos < positions.length; ipos++) {
var values = positions[ipos].values;
for (var iaxis = 0; iaxis < axis.length; iaxis++) {
if (axis[iaxis].mandatory) {
var isValued = false;
for (var ival = 0; ival < values.length; ival++) {
if (values[ival].axisId == axis[iaxis].id) {
isValued = true;
if (!isValued) return false;
return true;
function informOfNewPositions( $thisPdcAxisValuesSelector, settings, selectedPositions ) {
var positions = [];
selectedPositions.each(function(aSelectedPosition) {
if (positions.length == 0) {
} else {
if (!areMandatoryAxisValued(settings.axis, positions)) {
} else {
if (settings.dialogBox)
refreshAxis(settings, selectedPositions);
function refreshAxis( settings, selectedPositions ) {
$('option[value="0"]').attr('selected', true);
if (settings.multiValuation) {
for (var i = 0; i < settings.axis.length; i++) {
var anAxis = settings.axis[i], $axisDiv = $('div#' + + '_' +;
renderAxis($axisDiv, settings, selectedPositions, anAxis);
function contains($elt, childEltId) {
var children = $elt.children();
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
if (children[i].id == childEltId)
return true;
return false;
* Renders the specified axis as an XHMLT select element. Each option represents a value of the
* axis.
* If a value is set among the first selected position, then the corresponding option is preselected.
* If the axis is already rendered through an XHTML select element, then renders another occurrence
* of the select element just below the previous one. Several XHML select elements for the same
* axis is the way to select multiple values of the given axis; each of them generating then a
* different position.
function renderAxis( $axisDiv, settings, selectedPositions, anAxis ) {
var mandatoryField = '', idPrefix = + '_' + + '_', i = 0;
if (anAxis.mandatory)
mandatoryField = 'mandatoryField'
// each select id ends with a number indicating the occurrence of duplicate selects
// compute then the next free number for the select occurrence to render
while(contains($axisDiv, idPrefix + i)) {
// render the select with the values of the specified axis
var axisValuesSelection = $('<select>', {
'id': idPrefix + i,
}).addClass(mandatoryField).appendTo($axisDiv).change( function() {
// take care of the change of the option selection (axis value selection)
var theValue = $('select[id=' + idPrefix + i + '] option:selected').val();
if (theValue == 0) {
} else {
selectedPositions.put(i,, anAxis.values[theValue]);
if (settings.multiValuation) {
// hide the other identical options in duplicate selects (to avoid the position duplication)
var j = 0;
while(contains($axisDiv, idPrefix + j)) {
if (j!= i)
$("select[id=" + idPrefix + j + "] option[value='" + theValue + "']").hide();
// in the case of the axis multivaluation, renders a + button to add another select element for
// the same axis
if (settings.multiValuation) {
$('<a>', {
href: '#',
title: settings.anotherValueLegend
}).addClass('another-value').click(function () {
duplicateAxis($axisDiv, settings, selectedPositions, anAxis);
}).append($('<img>', {
src: settings.anotherValueIcon,
alt: settings.anotherValueLegend
var path = [];
var option = $('<option>').attr('value', '0').html('&nbsp;').appendTo(axisValuesSelection);
// browse the values of the current axis and for each of them print out an option XHTML element
// take care of the selected values to preselect the corresponding options
if (anAxis.mandatory && anAxis.values[anAxis.values.length - 2].ascendant)
selectedPositions.put(0,, anAxis.values[anAxis.values.length - 1]);
$.each(anAxis.values, function(valueIndex, aValue) {
var level = '';
path.splice(aValue.level, path.length - aValue.level);
path[aValue.level] = aValue.term;
aValue.meaning = path.join(' / ');
if ( != '/0/') {
for (var i = 0; i < aValue.level; i++) {
level += '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
var option =
$('<option>').attr('value', valueIndex).html(level + aValue.term).appendTo(axisValuesSelection);
if (aValue.ascendant) {
option.attr('value', 'A').attr('disabled', true).addClass("intfdcolor51");
if (anAxis.invariantValue != null && anAxis.invariantValue != {
selectedPositions.put(0,, aValue);
option.attr('disabled', true);
if (selectedPositions.size() == 1 &&, != null && ==, {
option.attr('selected', true);
// in the case of a duplicate select, hide any options that were previously selected for the
// same axis
if (settings.multiValuation && i > 0 && selectedPositions.size() > 0) {
for(var ipos = 0; ipos < selectedPositions.size(); ipos++) {
var selectedValue =,;
if (selectedValue != null && aValue == selectedValue) {
if (anAxis.mandatory) {
option.attr('disabled', true).addClass('emphasis').html(settings.mandatoryAxisText);
$('<img>', {
src: settings.mandatoryAxisIcon,
alt: settings.mandatoryAxisLegend,
width: '5px',
height: '5px'
}).appendTo($axisDiv.append(' '));
if (anAxis.invariant) {
$('<img>', {
src: settings.invariantAxisIcon,
alt: settings.invariantAxisLegend,
width: '10px',
height: '10px'
if (, == null) {
option.attr('selected', true);
} else {
$('<span>').html('<i>' +,', ') + '</i>&nbsp;').appendTo($axisDiv);
function duplicateAxis( $axisDiv, settings, selectedValues, axis) {
renderAxis($axisDiv, settings, selectedValues, axis);
$.fn.pdcAxisValuesSelector = function( options ) {
var settings = $.extend(true, {
title : "Editer", /* the title to display with the widget */
positionError : "Veuillez sélectionner au moins une valeur à la position",
mandatoryAxisText : "Veuillez selectionner une valeur",
mandatoryAxisError : "Le contenu doit disposer au moins d'une position avec les axes obligatoires",
mandatoryAxisIcon : webContext + '/util/icons/mandatoryField.gif',
mandatoryAxisLegend : 'Obligatoire',
invariantAxisIcon : webContext + '/util/icons/buletColoredGreen.gif',
invariantAxisLegend : 'invariantes',
anotherValueIcon : webContext + '/util/icons/add.gif',
anotherValueLegend : 'Autre valeur',
labelOk : 'Valider', /* the label of the validation button */
labelCancel : 'Annuler', /* the label of the canceling button in the dialog box */
multiValuation : false, /* can axis be multivalued? If true, each different value on a given axis generates a different position */
dialogBox : true, /* is the selector should be displayed as a modal dialog box? */
axis : [], /* the different axis of the PdC to render */
values : [], /* the values to pre-select in the widget */
onValuesSelected : function(positions) {} /* function invoked when a set of values have been selected through the widget */
}, options);
return this.each(function() {
var $thisPdcAxisValuesSelector = $(this), selectedPositions = new SelectedPositions(settings.values),
hasMandatoryAxis = false, hasInvariantAxis = false; = $thisPdcAxisValuesSelector.attr('id');
if ( == null || == 0) = 'pdc-edition-box';
// browse the axis of the PdC and for each of them print out a select HTML element
$.each(settings.axis, function(axisindex, anAxis) {
var currentAxisDiv = $('<div>', {
id: + '_' +
}).addClass('champs').appendTo($('<div>').addClass('field').append($('<label >', {
'for': + '_' + + '_0'
hasMandatoryAxis = anAxis.mandatory || hasMandatoryAxis;
hasInvariantAxis = anAxis.invariant || hasInvariantAxis;
renderAxis(currentAxisDiv, settings, selectedPositions, anAxis);
if (!settings.dialogBox) {
$thisPdcAxisValuesSelector.append($('<a>').attr('href', '#').
html(settings.labelOk).click(function() {
informOfNewPositions($thisPdcAxisValuesSelector, settings, selectedPositions);
} else {
$thisPdcAxisValuesSelector.append($('<br>').attr('clear', 'all'));
if (settings.axis.length > 0) {
var legende = $('<p>').addClass('legende');
if (hasMandatoryAxis) {
legende.append($('<img>', {
src: settings.mandatoryAxisIcon,
alt: settings.mandatoryAxisLegend,
width: '5px',
height: '5px'
})).append($('<span>').html('&nbsp;:' + settings.mandatoryAxisLegend + ' '));
if (hasInvariantAxis) {
$('<img>', {
src: settings.invariantAxisIcon,
alt: settings.invariantAxisLegend,
width: '10px',
height: '10px'
append($('<span>').html('&nbsp;:' + settings.invariantAxisLegend));
if (hasMandatoryAxis || hasInvariantAxis) {
if (settings.dialogBox) {
width: 640,
modal: true,
title: settings.title,
buttons: [{
text: settings.labelOk,
click: function() {
informOfNewPositions($thisPdcAxisValuesSelector, settings, selectedPositions);
}, {
text: settings.labelCancel,
click: function() {
close: function() {
})( jQuery );
