


Bug #2922 »

Ludovic Bertin, 09/02/2012 12:11

* Copyright (C) 2000 - 2011 Silverpeas
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
* GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* As a special exception to the terms and conditions of version 3.0 of the GPL, you may
* redistribute this Program in connection with Free/Libre Open Source Software ("FLOSS")
* applications as described in Silverpeas's FLOSS exception. You should have received a copy of the
* text describing the FLOSS exception, and it is also available here:
* ""
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
* even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU
* Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program.
* If not, see <>.
package com.silverpeas.form.displayers;

import com.silverpeas.form.Field;
import com.silverpeas.form.FieldDisplayer;
import com.silverpeas.form.FieldTemplate;
import com.silverpeas.form.Form;
import com.silverpeas.form.FormException;
import com.silverpeas.form.GalleryHelper;
import com.silverpeas.form.PagesContext;
import com.silverpeas.form.Util;
import com.silverpeas.form.fieldType.TextField;
import com.silverpeas.util.i18n.I18NHelper;
import com.silverpeas.wysiwyg.dynamicvalue.control.DynamicValueReplacement;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.peasCore.URLManager;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.silvertrace.SilverTrace;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.wysiwyg.WysiwygException;
import com.stratelia.silverpeas.wysiwyg.control.WysiwygController;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.beans.admin.ComponentInstLight;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.FileRepositoryManager;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.FileServerUtils;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.ResourceLocator;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.exception.UtilException;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.fileFolder.FileFolderManager;
import com.stratelia.webactiv.util.indexEngine.model.FullIndexEntry;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

* A WysiwygFieldDisplayer is an object which can display a TextFiel in HTML the content of a
* TextFiel to a end user and can retrieve via HTTP any updated value.
* @see Field
* @see FieldTemplate
* @see Form
* @see FieldDisplayer
public class WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer extends AbstractFieldDisplayer<TextField> {

public static final String dbKey = "xmlWysiwygField_";
public static final String dir = "xmlWysiwyg";
private static final ResourceLocator settings = new ResourceLocator(
"com.stratelia.silverpeas.wysiwyg.settings.wysiwygSettings", "");

* Constructeur
public WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer() {

* Returns the name of the managed types.
public String[] getManagedTypes() {
String[] s = new String[0];
s[0] = TextField.TYPE;
return s;

* Prints the javascripts which will be used to control the new value given to the named field.
* The error messages may be adapted to a local language. The FieldTemplate gives the field type
* and constraints. The FieldTemplate gives the local labeld too. Never throws an Exception but
* log a silvertrace and writes an empty string when : <UL> <LI>the fieldName is unknown by the
* template. <LI>the field type is not a managed type. </UL>
public void displayScripts(PrintWriter out, FieldTemplate template, PagesContext PagesContext)
throws {
String fieldName = template.getFieldName();
String language = PagesContext.getLanguage();

if (!TextField.TYPE.equals(template.getTypeName())) {"form", "WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer.displayScripts",
if (!template.isReadOnly()) {
out.println("var oEditor;");

out.println("oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('" + fieldName + "');");

out.println("var thecode = oEditor.GetHTML();");
if (template.isMandatory() && PagesContext.useMandatory()) {
" if (isWhitespace(stripInitialWhitespace(thecode)) || thecode == \"<P>&nbsp;</P>\") {");
out.println(" errorMsg+=\" - '" + template.getLabel(language) + "' "
+ Util.getString("GML.MustBeFilled",
language) + "\\n \";");
out.println(" errorNb++;");
out.println(" }");

Util.getJavascriptChecker(template.getFieldName(), PagesContext, out);

* Prints the HTML value of the field. The displayed value must be updatable by the end user. The
* value format may be adapted to a local language. The fieldName must be used to name the html
* form input. Never throws an Exception but log a silvertrace and writes an empty string when :
* <UL> <LI>the field type is not a managed type. </UL>
public void display(PrintWriter out, TextField field, FieldTemplate template,
PagesContext pageContext) throws FormException {

String code = "";

String fieldName = template.getFieldName();
Map<String, String> parameters = template.getParameters(pageContext.getLanguage());

if (!field.getTypeName().equals(TextField.TYPE)) {"form", "WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer.display", "form.INFO_NOT_CORRECT_TYPE",

if (!field.isNull()) {
code = field.getValue(pageContext.getLanguage());

String contentLanguage = I18NHelper.checkLanguage(pageContext.getContentLanguage());

code =
getContent(pageContext.getComponentId(), pageContext.getObjectId(),
template.getFieldName(), code,

if (template.isDisabled() || template.isReadOnly()) {
// dynamic value functionality
if (DynamicValueReplacement.isActivate()) {
DynamicValueReplacement replacement = new DynamicValueReplacement();
code = replacement.replaceKeyByValue(code);

} else {
// dynamic value functionality
if (DynamicValueReplacement.isActivate()) {
out.println("<tr class=\"TB_Expand\"> <td class=\"TB_Expand\" align=\"center\">");
out.println(DynamicValueReplacement.buildHTMLSelect(pageContext.getLanguage(), fieldName));

ResourceLocator resources = new ResourceLocator(
"com.stratelia.silverpeas.wysiwyg.multilang.wysiwygBundle", contentLanguage);

// storage file : HTML select building
List<ComponentInstLight> fileStorage =
if (!fileStorage.isEmpty()) {
out.println("<tr class=\"TB_Expand\"><td class=\"TB_Expand\">");
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.append("<select id=\"storageFile_").append(fieldName).append(
"\" name=\"componentId\" onchange=\"openStorageFilemanager").append(
FileServerUtils.replaceAccentChars(fieldName.replace(' ', '_'))).append(
stringBuilder.append("<option value=\"\">").append(
for (ComponentInstLight component : fileStorage) {
stringBuilder.append("<option value=\"").append(component.getId()).append("\">").append(

// Gallery file : HTML select building
List<ComponentInstLight> galleries = WysiwygController.getGalleries();
String fieldNameFunction = FileServerUtils.replaceAccentChars(fieldName.replace(' ', '_'));

if (galleries != null && !galleries.isEmpty()) {
if (fileStorage.isEmpty()) {
out.println("<tr class=\"TB_Expand\"><td class=\"TB_Expand\">");
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.append("<select id=\"galleryFile_").append(fieldName).append(
"\" name=\"componentId\" onchange=\"openGalleryFileManager").append(
stringBuilder.append("<option value=\"\">").append(
Util.getString("GML.galleries", contentLanguage)).append("</option>");
for (ComponentInstLight component : galleries) {
stringBuilder.append("<option value=\"").append(component.getId()).append("\">").append(

if (!fileStorage.isEmpty() || (galleries != null && !galleries.isEmpty())) {


// looks for size parameters
int editorWitdh = 500;
int editorHeight = 300;
if (parameters.containsKey("width")) {
editorWitdh = Integer.parseInt(parameters.get("width"));
if (parameters.containsKey("height")) {
editorHeight = Integer.parseInt(parameters.get("height"));

out.println("<td valign=\"top\">");
out.println("<textarea id=\"" + fieldName + "\" name=\"" + fieldName
+ "\" rows=\"10\" cols=\"10\">" + code + "</textarea>");
out.println("<script type=\"text/javascript\">");
out.println("var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor('" + fieldName + "');");
out.println("oFCKeditor.Width = \"" + editorWitdh + "\";");
out.println("oFCKeditor.Height = \"" + editorHeight + "\";");
out.println("oFCKeditor.BasePath = \"" + Util.getPath() + "/wysiwyg/jsp/FCKeditor/\" ;");
out.println("oFCKeditor.DisplayErrors = true;");
out.println("oFCKeditor.Config[\"DefaultLanguage\"] = \"" + pageContext.getLanguage()
+ "\";");
String configFile = settings.getString("configFile",
Util.getPath() + "/wysiwyg/jsp/javaScript/myconfig.js");
out.println("oFCKeditor.Config[\"CustomConfigurationsPath\"] = \"" + configFile + "\";");
out.println("oFCKeditor.ToolbarSet = 'XMLForm';");
out.println("oFCKeditor.Config[\"ToolbarStartExpanded\"] = false;");
out.println("oFCKeditor.Config[\"ImageBrowserURL\"] = '" + Util.getPath()
+ "/wysiwyg/jsp/uploadFile.jsp?ComponentId=" + pageContext.getComponentId() + "&ObjectId="
+ pageContext.getObjectId() + "&Context=" + fieldName + "';");

// field name used to generate a javascript function name
// dynamic value functionality
if (DynamicValueReplacement.isActivate()) {

out.println("function chooseDynamicValues"
+ fieldNameFunction + "(){");
out.println(" var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('" + fieldName + "');");
out.println("index = document.getElementById(\"dynamicValues_" + fieldName
+ "\").selectedIndex;");
out.println("var str = document.getElementById(\"dynamicValues_" + fieldName
+ "\").options[index].value;");
out.println("if (index != 0 && str != null){");
out.println("} }");

// storage file : javascript functions
out.println("var storageFileWindow=window;");
out.println("function openStorageFilemanager" + fieldNameFunction + "(){");
out.println("index = document.getElementById(\"storageFile_" + fieldName
+ "\").selectedIndex;");
out.println("var componentId = document.getElementById(\"storageFile_" + fieldName
+ "\").options[index].value;");
out.println("if (index != 0){ ");
out.println("url = \""
+ URLManager.getApplicationURL()
+ "/kmelia/jsp/attachmentLinkManagement.jsp?key=\"+componentId+\"&ntype=COMPONENT&fieldname="
+ fieldNameFunction + "\";");
out.println("windowName = \"StorageFileWindow\";");
out.println("width = \"750\";");
out.println("height = \"580\";");
out.println("windowParams = \"scrollbars=1,directories=0,menubar=0,toolbar=0, alwaysRaised\";");
out.println("if (!storageFileWindow.closed &&");
out.println("storageFileWindow = SP_openWindow(url, windowName, width, height, windowParams);");

out.println("function insertAttachmentLink" + fieldNameFunction + "(url,img,label){");
out.println(" var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('" + fieldName + "');");
"oEditor.InsertHtml('<a href=\"'+url+'\"> <img src=\"'+img+'\" width=\"20\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"/> '+label+'</a> ');");

// Gallery files exists; javascript functions
if (galleries != null && !galleries.isEmpty()) {
GalleryHelper.getJavaScript(fieldNameFunction, fieldName, contentLanguage, out);

out.println("function choixImageInGallery" + fieldNameFunction + "(url){");
out.println(" var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('" + fieldName + "');");
out.println("oEditor.InsertHtml('<img src=\"'+url+'\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"/>');");


if (template.isMandatory() && pageContext.useMandatory()) {



* Updates the value of the field. The fieldName must be used to retrieve the HTTP parameter from
* the request. @throw FormException if the field type is not a managed type. @throw FormException
* if the field doesn't accept the new value.
public List<String> update(String newValue, TextField field, FieldTemplate template,
PagesContext pageContext) throws FormException {
if (!field.getTypeName().equals(TextField.TYPE)) {
throw new FormException("WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer.update", "form.EX_NOT_CORRECT_TYPE",

if (field.acceptValue(newValue, pageContext.getLanguage())) {
// field.setValue(newValue, PagesContext.getLanguage());
try {
String contentLanguage = I18NHelper.checkLanguage(pageContext.getContentLanguage());

String fileName =
setContentIntoFile(pageContext.getComponentId(), pageContext.getObjectId(),
template.getFieldName(), newValue, contentLanguage);

field.setValue(dbKey + fileName, pageContext.getLanguage());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FormException("WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer.update", "form.EX_NOT_CORRECT_VALUE", e);
} else {
throw new FormException("WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer.update", "form.EX_NOT_CORRECT_VALUE",
return new ArrayList<String>();


public boolean isDisplayedMandatory() {
return true;

public int getNbHtmlObjectsDisplayed(FieldTemplate template, PagesContext pagesContext) {
return 2;

public void index(FullIndexEntry indexEntry, String key, String fieldName, TextField field,
String language) {
String fieldValue = field.getValue();
String fieldValueIndex = "";
if (fieldValue != null && fieldValue.trim().length() > 0) {
if (fieldValue.startsWith(dbKey)) {
String file =
WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer.getFile(indexEntry.getComponent(), indexEntry.getObjectId(),
try {
Source source = new Source(new FileInputStream(file));
if (source != null) {
fieldValueIndex = source.getTextExtractor().toString();
} catch (IOException ioex) {
SilverTrace.warn("form", "WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer.index", "form.incorrect_data",
"File not found " + file + " " + ioex.getMessage(), ioex);
indexEntry.addTextContent(fieldValueIndex, language);
} else {
indexEntry.addTextContent(fieldValue.trim(), language);
fieldValueIndex = fieldValue.trim().replaceAll("##", " ");
indexEntry.addField(key, fieldValueIndex, language);

// index embedded linked attachment (links presents in wysiwyg content)
try {
String content = WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer.getContentFromFile(indexEntry.getComponent(),
indexEntry.getObjectId(), fieldName, language);
List<String> embeddedAttachmentIds = WysiwygController.getEmbeddedAttachmentIds(content);
WysiwygController.indexEmbeddedLinkedFiles(indexEntry, embeddedAttachmentIds);
} catch (UtilException e) {
SilverTrace.warn("form", "WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer.index", "form.incorrect_data",
"Unable to extract linkes files from object" + indexEntry.getObjectId(), e);
} catch (WysiwygException e) {
SilverTrace.warn("form", "WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer.index", "form.incorrect_data",
"Unable to extract linkes files from object" + indexEntry.getObjectId(), e);

public void duplicateContent(Field field, FieldTemplate template,
PagesContext pageContext, String newObjectId) throws FormException {

String contentLanguage = I18NHelper.checkLanguage(pageContext.getContentLanguage());

String code = field.getStringValue();
code = getContent(pageContext.getComponentId(), pageContext.getObjectId(),
template.getFieldName(), code, contentLanguage);
String fileName = setContentIntoFile(pageContext.getComponentId(), newObjectId, template.
getFieldName(), code, contentLanguage);
field.setValue(dbKey + fileName, pageContext.getLanguage());

private String getContent(String componentId, String objectId, String fieldName, String code,
String language) throws
FormException {
if (!code.startsWith(dbKey)) {
setContentIntoFile(componentId, objectId, fieldName, code, language);
} else {
try {
code = getContentFromFile(componentId, objectId, fieldName, language);
} catch (UtilException e) {
throw new FormException("WysiwygFCKFieldDisplayer.getContent", e.getMessage(), e);
return code;

private String setContentIntoFile(String componentId, String objectId, String fieldName,
String code, String language) {
try {
FileRepositoryManager.createAbsolutePath(componentId, dir);
} catch (Exception e) {

String[] dirs = new String[1];
dirs[0] = dir;
String path = FileRepositoryManager.getAbsolutePath(componentId, dirs);

String fileName = getFileName(fieldName, objectId, language);

try {
FileFolderManager.createFile(path, fileName, code);
} catch (UtilException e) {
// do nothinf
return fileName;

public static String getContentFromFile(String componentId, String objectId, String fieldName)
throws UtilException {
return getContentFromFile(componentId, objectId, fieldName, null);

public static String getContentFromFile(String componentId, String objectId, String fieldName,
String language) throws
UtilException {
String fileName = getFileName(fieldName, objectId, language);

String[] dirs = new String[1];
dirs[0] = dir;
String path = FileRepositoryManager.getAbsolutePath(componentId, dirs);

return FileFolderManager.getCode(path, fileName);

private static String getFileName(String fieldName, String objectId) {
return getFileName(fieldName, objectId, null);

private static String getFileName(String fieldName, String objectId, String language) {
if (language == null || I18NHelper.isDefaultLanguage(language)) {
return objectId + "_" + fieldName;
} else {
return objectId + "_" + language + "_" + fieldName;

public void cloneContents(String componentIdFrom, String objectIdFrom, String componentIdTo,
String objectIdTo) throws
UtilException, IOException {
String[] dirs = new String[1];
dirs[0] = dir;
String fromPath = FileRepositoryManager.getAbsolutePath(componentIdFrom, dirs);
String toPath = FileRepositoryManager.getAbsolutePath(componentIdTo, dirs);

File from = new File(fromPath);
if (from != null && from.exists()) {
try {
FileRepositoryManager.createAbsolutePath(componentIdTo, dir);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());
List<File> files = (List<File>) FileFolderManager.getAllFile(fromPath);
for (File file : files) {
String fileName = file.getName();
if (fileName.startsWith(objectIdFrom + "_")) {
String fieldName = fileName.substring(objectIdFrom.length() + 1);
FileRepositoryManager.copyFile(fromPath + file.getName(), toPath
+ getFileName(fieldName, objectIdTo));
Iterator<String> languages = I18NHelper.getLanguages();
while (languages.hasNext()) {
String language =;

if (fieldName.startsWith(language + "_")) {
fieldName = fieldName.substring(3); // skip en_
FileRepositoryManager.copyFile(fromPath + file.getName(), toPath
+ getFileName(fieldName, objectIdTo,

public void mergeContents(String componentIdFrom, String objectIdFrom, String componentIdTo,
String objectIdTo) throws UtilException, IOException {
String[] dirs = new String[1];
dirs[0] = dir;
String fromPath = FileRepositoryManager.getAbsolutePath(componentIdFrom, dirs);

File from = new File(fromPath);
if (from != null && from.exists()) {
// Verifie si le repertoire de destination existe
try {
FileRepositoryManager.createAbsolutePath(componentIdTo, dir);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException(e.getMessage());

// Copier/coller de tous les fichiers wysiwyg de objectIdFrom vers objectIdTo
List<File> files = (List<File>) FileFolderManager.getAllFile(fromPath);
for (File file : files) {
String fileName = file.getName();
if (fileName.startsWith(objectIdFrom + "_")) {
String fieldName = fileName.substring(objectIdFrom.length() + 1);
String fieldContent = getContentFromFile(componentIdFrom, objectIdFrom, fieldName);

setContentIntoFile(componentIdTo, objectIdTo, fieldName, fieldContent, null);

// paste translations
Iterator<String> languages = I18NHelper.getLanguages();
while (languages.hasNext()) {
String language =;

if (fieldName.startsWith(language + "_")) {
fieldName = fieldName.substring(3); // skip en_
fieldContent = getContentFromFile(componentIdFrom, objectIdFrom, fieldName, language);
setContentIntoFile(componentIdTo, objectIdTo, fieldName, fieldContent, language);

// Delete merged files
for (File file : files) {
String fileName = file.getName();
if (fileName.startsWith(objectIdFrom + "_")) {

public static String getFile(String componentId, String objectId, String fieldName,
String language) {
String[] dirs = new String[1];
dirs[0] = dir;
String path = FileRepositoryManager.getAbsolutePath(componentId, dirs);

return path + getFileName(fieldName, objectId, language);